The land of dead in Egypt
El Minya City
Minya Governorate is located in Upper Egypt and is considered one of the most important touristic cities on the Nile River. There are many tourist places, especially Christian places. For example, famous monasteries and churches are frequented by many tourists worldwide.
Minya is the most Christian governorate in Egypt, but Muslims and Christians live together in love and peace, as they do everywhere in Egypt.
In the era of the Pharaohs, it went through several periods, like during the reign of King Narmer and it was known as the Oryx region because of the popularity of this animal there at that time, and it was one of the regions that Narmer united.
In the first interim period, Egypt was divided again and Minya was called also Oryx, until allied with the Tiberians during the reign of Mentuhotep II.
In the second interim period, when the Hyksos conquered Egypt, it was one of the cities that was occupied by the Hyksos. And they fought against the Egyptian pharaohs, and it was in this region that the first battle between the Hyksos and the Egyptians was fought.
So Minya was the first place where the Egyptians defeated the Hyksos and drove them out of Egypt.
Then in the Greek and Roman eras, Minya became one of the most important cities that exported cotton, If it wasn't the most important city for growing this product, it was also an important place of the god Thoth's worship for the Egyptians during the Ptolemaic era.
In the Christian belief, it is said to be one of the cities that the Holy Family visited when they escaped to Egypt, in other words, it was one of the most important cities that exported papyrus in the Byzantine era.
In the Middle Ages, for example, it was developed and expanded by the Caliph Ibn al-Khasib. It was also visited by Ibn Battuta, and he wrote about it in his book (The Journey).
During the era of Muhammad Ali and his caliphs, they paid interest in the city of Minya, as it was one of the most important cities in which cotton was grown, as we know Egyptian cotton is historically considered the best cotton in the world.
The city then had to face many difficulties, such as the revolutions of the 20th century and a lot of things that affected the history of Egypt, as Minya is one of the most famous Egyptian governorates, whether historically and in the current day, there is no doubt it will remain one of the most important Egyptian cities even in the future.