library of alexandria
bibliotheca Alexandrina
Called the Royal Library as well as the museum, this is the Library of Alexandria, the beacon of science and knowledge for the whole world, as it was the most comprehensive and largest for many centuries.
The Library of Alexandria was established in the era of the Ptolemaic state, which was part of the Macedonian Empire and emanated from Greek civilization. It is said that Alexander the Great was the first person who ordered the construction of the Library of Alexandria. Then came the decision to build the Library of Alexandria during the reign of Ptolemy I during the Ptolemaic rule of Egypt.
The real founder of the Library of Alexandria was Ptolemy II (Philadelphus), who ruled Egypt for 39 years from 246 BC to 285 BC. The Library of Alexandria continued to develop science and knowledge in ancient times and produced many scholars for 7 centuries.
Library fire
In 48 BC, Julius Caesar burned nearly a hundred ships on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea in front of the Library of Alexandria after Cleopatra's brother Ptolemy the Younger besieged him after he felt that Julius Caesar was supporting Cleopatra against him, and the fires of burning ships spread to the library.
The Library of Alexandria in the modern era
The Library of Alexandria was revived in the modern era after being left in ruins for centuries and considered a lost relic. The new Bibliotheca Alexandrina was built on the same site as the old library.
The height of the library is ten stories, and all lower levels are located below the surface of the water, and the body of the building sinks below the ground to protect its precious contents from the external environment, and the many open reading halls are the prominent feature of the Alexandria Library, which includes 2500 reading sections leading to seven balconies, and the books have been stored under these balconies for easy access.